WHOS TRICKING YOU ~ forex trading books in marathi

Harness the market power and make it work for You, if You are stopped out the market is helping to preserve Your capital. Look at a stop-out as a lesson that cost You $X.OO of dollars to learn. When You take a hit, use that money wisely, it was a lesson that You paid for. Go back and study ways to try to avoid paying for that lesson again. As You have probably seen on my videos, I get my share of stop-outs, but I dust off and go at it again, because there will be another opportunity to make profit in the market.
The market isnt hard, it is just tricky at times, but if You see that preserving capital is the most important job that You have, You will come out ahead as You continue to trade a good plan. If You trade, You are going to have to pay for a lesson every now and then, its no big deal, it is just the cost of doing business, shake it off and look for another opportunity.
Yes, the market can sometimes be very confusing and often tricky, but just because You got tricked, doesnt mean You have to stay tricked. Dont let over analysis about what the market might do keep You from entering a good trade set-up, because the market is cocky and will do whatever it wants to do. Just except that the best trade set-ups can fail, because the market can be bipolar and irrational, sometimes it has mood swings and throws tantrums. Then there are times that the market will purr like a kitten for You.
There are times that the market makes me so very angry, but there is nothing I can do about it except accept the fact that the market can be like that and bend with it in order to make paper$$$$. Dont ever let the market take Your mind off of Your mission to make money. There are times when You might need a break if You are getting to angry. Take the break, then come back and try again. Be sure to listen more to Your chart than to Your minds chatter, remember that as brilliant as Your mind is, it can only give You info on past chart data and experiences, while the market is always fresh right now.
Always listen to the market and allow it to lead You to financial freedom.............You are Worthy of the Wealth that the forex market provides.
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